
Benefits Spotlight: Fitness Release Time

UHD employees wanting to improve their fitness this year have a valuable benefit at their disposal. Fitness Release Time.

Fitness Release Time (FRT) allows UHD employees to participate in activities in the Student Live Center (SLC) as well as outside of it, such as walking, climbing stairs, biking, etc.

It is designed to provide UHD full-time, benefits-eligible staff up to 1-1/2 hours of physical fitness (three, 30-minute sessions each week). It is counted as hours worked and can be used independently or in conjunction with a lunch break or at the beginning/end of the workday.*

UHD employees interested in participating in FRT can use FRT in one of two ways.

  • Activities at the SLC. Employee can combine their 30 minutes of FRT time with their lunch break or at the beginning/end of the day to use FRT at the SLC to participate in classes or activities that last longer than 30 minutes or can participate in activities that take no more than 30 minutes.
  • Other Physical Activities on Campus. With this option, employees can take 30 minutes to complete physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, biking, etc. around campus but not at the SLC. This option also accommodates FRT users working in positions where it may be hard being gone 30 minutes at a time. It can be taken in one, 30-minute session up to three times a week or in two, 15-minute sessions (in one day) up to three times a week.

Employees taking advantage of “other physical fitness activities on campus” must attach/upload proof of this activity showing the date and time of the exercise when they request FRT leave in TRAM. This can be done with a screenshot of their smartphone health application, a photo of their pedometer/fitbit, etc.

To participate in FRT:

  1. Print and fill out the Fitness Release Time Application
  2. Submit application to supervisor for approval
  3. Fill out PAR-Q form
  4. Route supervisor signed application and PAR-Q form to ESO Benefits Office
  5. Receive email notice from ESO Benefits Office of application acceptance
  6. Start using FRT!

FRT may not interfere with the employee’s duties or the department’s responsibilities

For more information, please review the Employee Wellness Policy or contact the Benefits Unit at or X-8060.

*FRT is counted as hours worked but not for the purpose of overtime pay or compensatory time.

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