
Don’t Miss Out on 8 Hours of Wellness Leave!

Did you know that full-time, benefits-eligible employees at UHD are eligible for up to 8 hours of wellness leave per year? This leave is designed to encourage UHD employees to be aware of and reduce their health risks, and it may be used for any purpose.

To request up to eight (8) hours of wellness leave time, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Employee completes the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and Physician’s Certification of Routine Physical Exam Affidavit form.
  2. Employee completes and prints the health assessment tool completion certificate provided by the current health care and/or insurance provider.
  3. Employee schedules physical exam with doctor’s office using sick leave.
  4. Employee ensures that physician has stamped and signed the “Physician’s Certification of Routine Physical Exam�? section of the HRA form.
  5. Employee submits the affidavit and certificate of health assessment tool completion to supervisor for signature.
  6. Employee submits the affidavit and certificate of health assessment tool completion to the Office of Human Resources.
  7. Employees must request the time off for Wellness Leave via the Time Reporting and Absence Management (TRAM) system. Employees may take the time in two blocks of four (4) or one block of eight (8) hours.

In addition to helping you satisfy one of the requirements for requesting wellness leave, the health assessment tool can provide you with a comprehensive snapshot of your current health and a plan to move forward. An annual physical exam with your primary care provider (PCP) is also a great step in knowing where to begin as you set your health goals. Be sure to complete as much of the health assessment tool as you can before you see your PCP, but don’t worry if you aren’t able to answer every question on your own; your PCP will likely be able to help you complete the remaining questions during your annual physical exam!

To learn more about completing your health assessment tool, read “Knowledge is power! Complete your Health Assessment today�? by ERS.

For more information about Wellness Leave, please contact the Office of Human Resources Benefits and Compensation team at or x8060. We are here to help!