
UHS Retirement Manager


An on-line tool to help you manage your retirement account and plan for retirement!

The University of Houston System (UHS) launched Retirement Manager on March 1, 2010. The UHS Retirement Manager is a secure website for managing your 403(b) retirement account. It enables you to review your retirement savings and helps you project how much you may need to save for retirement.

You can use the UHS Retirement Manager to:

  • View your fixed Optional Retirement Program (ORP) deductions;
  • Select a new ORP vendor from the approved UHS vendor list;
  • Enroll, change contribution amounts, change vendors, or terminate your Tax Deferred Annuity (TDA) Account(s);
  • Enroll, change contribution amounts, change vendors, or terminate your Roth 403(b) account;
  • Learn about your available UHS retirement plans ;
  • Read financial education articles on a range of topics about financial planning;
  • Use financial calculators to help you determine how much you may need to save for your future, and;
  • Apply for loans or distributions from your supplemental 403(b) accounts.

Even if you are not a participant in a 403(b) program, but rather have your retirement through the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, you can use the financial planning tools and educational series to better understand the importance of saving towards retirement.

To view a presentation and learn more about Retirement Manager, please click here.

If you have questions please contact Employment Services and Operations at x-8072 or e-mail Betty Powell at

Categories: Benefits

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