
Submit Your Plan Year 2010 TexFlex Claims by December 31

Time is running out to file your TexFlex claims for Plan Year 2010:

  • You have until December 31 to file these claims for reimbursement.
  • Plan year 2010 claims include eligible health or day care expenses from September 1, 2009 through November 15, 2010.
  • TexFlex is a “use it or lose it” program. If you don’t use your account money, you’ll forfeit that money. Don’t wait until December 31 to file these claims—you might need to submit additional documentation.

New federal Over-the-Counter rule starts January 1
Starting January, 1, 2011, a new federal law requires a doctor’s prescription for reimbursement of certain over-the-counter medicines and drugs. Check out our new OTC rule quick facts and FAQ resource.

For more detailed information, check out the TexFlex section of the ERS website or call PayFlex at (866) 353-9839.

Categories: *Upcoming..., Benefits, News

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