
UHS Mandatory Training Reminder

The deadline for completing the FY11 UHS Mandatory Training is January 31, 2011. UHS Mandatory training is required of all UHD employees – faculty, staff, student workers and temporary employees paid through the payroll system.

All training is available at www.uh.edu/employeetraining. It requires your employee ID number as the user ID, and your date of birth (mmddyyyy) as the password, unless you have changed this in the past. Do not try to log-in through PASS. To get support with password resets or technical issues, please contact Technology Support Services at (713) 743-1411.

All employees are required to complete the FY11-Training Acknowledgement (This acknowledges responsibility for the information provided in the five primary trainings - Ethics, EEO, FERPA, Fraud, and Secure Our Systems)

Depending upon your role at the university you may be required to complete additional courses such as the following:

  • FY10-External Consulting
  • FY11-Cash Security Procedures (Finance based role/training)
  • FY11-Credit Card Data Security (Finance based role/training)
  • FY11-Credit Card Processing (Finance based role/training)

You will receive a notification of completion via email approximately one week after you have successfully met the criteria for your training courses. You may verify completion by visiting your training record in P.A.S.S. To learn how to review your completion in P.A.S.S, please refer to the following site:


Please allow 24-48 hours for your records to update before logging into PASS to verify you have completed the training.

Remember that any system employee who fails to complete the required training for fiscal year 2011 by the published deadline of January 31, 2011 will not have met their job expectations and will therefore not be eligible for merit increases as stated in SAM 02.A.11 and SAM 02.A.26.

Categories: *Upcoming..., Learning, News

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