The 2011 W2 is available online effective January 20, 2012. The process is simple but the server can be inundated with requests. Please be patient and try again later if the server busy message appears on P.A.S.S.
Log into P.A.S.S. at and click on the P.A.S.S. site link, click on Payroll Information, select the W-2 Reprint link, select 2011, click on the ‘Agree to Electronic Consent’, read the agreement and click ‘Accept Agreement’. Please make this election by January 25, 2012.
To be able to access and print the online form you must agree to receive the form online. This consent agreement does not roll to the following years, you must agree to receive the form electronically each year.
If you have problems with the actual W-2 information on the 2011 form contact Renee Chang in Payroll for assistance at 713-743-8773.
For assistance with printing from P.A.S.S. please contact 713-221-8073 or 713-221-8072
If you wish to continue receiving your 2011 W-2 form by mail, you do not need to do a thing, one will be mailed to you on January 31, 2012.
Instructions for signing up to receive the W-2 electronically are at:
Instructions for printing your W-2 form are at:
If a new Password is required to log in click on the Request a New Password link on the logon page and follow the instructions.