
Upcoming UHD Workshops

ESO is excited to host three excellent workshops during March and April; Achieving Balance, Communicating Convincingly, and Business Etiquette & Civility in the Workplace. The workshops are open at no cost to all UHD faculty and staff. Register through PASS (registration instructions at the end of this post).


March and April Training Sessions

Workshop Title: Achieving Balance

PeopleSoft Course Code: UHD202 (session 0001)

Date: Thursday, March 14, 2013

Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm (1.5 hours)

Location: N602

Description: Did your New Year’s Resolution include establishing “balance” in your life? How about promises to manage your time more efficiently? Have you already gotten off track? If you answered yes or to any or all of these questions this training session is for YOU!!! During this interactive training session we will discover how to prioritize the important things in your life, identify time wasting behaviors, discover realistic solutions to time challenges and create a personal action plan to get you started. We cannot promise any additional hours in the day, but we can help you manage the 24 you have more efficiently.


Workshop Title: Communicating Convincingly

PeopleSoft Course Code: UHD203 (session 0001)

Date: Friday, March 29, 2013

Time: 10:00am-11:30am (1.5 hours)

Location: N602

Description: Have you ever said something and the person you were speaking to took it totally wrong? Have you ever tried to convey a message but just weren’t sure how to get it across in the most effective manner? Have you ever been offended by something someone said but failed to get clarity and carried the wrong message away from that interaction? This session will focus on the important aspects of communication, including the most important aspect – listening. Participants will learn more effective methods of delivering a message so it is positively received and how they can ensure the message they receive is the one that is intended. Learn tips and techniques on how to say what you mean when you mean what you say.


Workshop Title: Business Etiquette & Civility in the Workplace

PeopleSoft Course Code: UHD204 (session 0001)

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2013

Time: 10-11:30pm (1.5 hours)

Location: N602

Description: Have you ever been offended by a co-worker? Have you unwittingly committed a social blunder at work that led to a not so pleasant interaction or worse yet affected an ongoing work relationship? Understanding the importance of proper communication, both verbally and nonverbally can influence whether a situation blows over or continues to cause problems. This class will assist you in developing good work etiquette habits, techniques to handle offensive behavior from co-workers and a general understanding of the impact of a positive workplace.


You may register for the desired workshops by accessing PASS (remember to use your Employee ID as your User ID), and following the instructions below.

  • Click on PASS Employee Self-Service
  • Click on Training then click on:
    • Request Training Enrollment
    • Search by Course Number
      • Enter the appropriate PeopleSoft Course Code number listed above
    • View Available Sessions
    • session number 0001
    • Continue
    • Submit

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