Employees who have debit cards for TexFlex health care accounts or TexFlex day care accounts will see changes starting in April.
Beginning April 1, 2013, TexFlex participants can use debit cards as either “debit” or “credit” cards. If participants choose debit, they will need a personal identification number, or PIN, to use the card. If a spouse or dependent also has a card, they will use the same PIN. Participants will need the PIN for debit transactions at any location that accepts a PayFlex Card – pharmacies, doctors’ offices, other health care providers, day care providers, etc.
To get a PIN, participants should contact PayFlex Card Services on or after April 1, 2013 by calling toll-free at (888) 999-0121. If they try calling the number before April 1, they will hear a message telling them to call back on or after April 1. Once they have a PIN, participants can use their cards right away. Participants will not need a PIN if they choose to use the card as credit.
This change is part of a new federal law that will reduce the amount of credit card fees that merchants pay. Some merchants may require participants to choose debit and decline to accept credit. This change does not affect the fees participants pay for TexFlex accounts or TexFlex cards.
Starting on May 1, 2013, TexFlex participants will also have to activate new cards before using them. If they already have a card, it was pre-activated, and they don’t need to do anything. New or replacement cards issued on or after May 1, however, will have to be activated by the owner. Participants can activate the cards the same way they would activate any other debit or credit card. Each card will contain an activation label with a toll-free number. Participants will dial toll-free (877) 261-9951 to activate the cards.
Employees who have questions about these changes should call the number on the back of their debit card.
Categories: Benefits