
Are you prepared for traveling this holiday season?

There’s nothing like spending time with family or traveling during the holidays. But it’s no secret that emergency rooms and health clinics see a spike of visitors during the festive season.

Should you encounter a health emergency, be prepared with all the right information. Before you go out of town, pack smart with this checklist:

  • Health, dental and prescription ID cards
  • Phone numbers of primary care doctors and specialists
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Slightly more than enough prescription maintenance medication for your whole trip
  • Any necessary over-the-counter medications

If you need replacement cards, you can always call your insurance plan or go online to print a temporary one. If you travel out-of-state or out of your service area, be sure to review how your insurance works in those cases.

Source: ERS News About Your Benefits (November 2014)

Categories: Benefits, News, Wellness

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