The 2014/2015 Performance Appraisal cycle begins today and contains two processes for three groups of employees: Administrative (executive director positions and above), Police (law enforcement personnel and security officers) and Other (all other staff not included in the previous two processes). These processes are only applicable to non-probationary staff.
Below, please find general information pertaining to the upcoming appraisal cycle, including required tasks/steps, schedule and appraisal period. As with previous years, users will be prompted by email to complete a task. Please make sure to complete the required tasks within the prescribed timeline.
Users will be prompted by email to complete each of the following tasks:
Evaluation Period:
The evaluation period covered in this appraisal cycle is January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.
eAppraisal Resources:
- Rubrics. Rubrics for each staff appraisal competency (except for the administrative staff) are available to assist staff with direction and structure in assigning ratings for each competency. These rubrics may be accessed from any of the following locations: (1) eAppraisal Rubrics link in the ESO Performance Management webpage (2) eAppraisal homepage and (3) from the competency itself within eAppraisal by clicking on the link provided.
- Employees’ duties. Managers may access employees’ duties, derived from last year’s PDQs, in the eAppraisal “Documents” section.
- Reports. Managers may run reports throughout the entire appraisal cycle by clicking on the “Reports” tab from within their eAppraisal homepage and then the “Management” tab from within the Reports page. These reports will provide (1) individual competency scores or overall appraisal scores for their employees (provided the manager has finalized the “Manager Completes Employee Appraisal and Reviews Employee’s Self-Appraisal” step), (2) upcoming and completed training information for their employees and (3) the status of each eAppraisal step for their direct reports. Division heads may run these reports for their entire division.
Training Resources:
Employees may access training resources, such as the eAppraisal Manual, which includes a quick reference guide with instructions for navigating through the process, as well as other links to access the annual and probationary eAppraisal processes, in ESO’s Performance Management webpage.
eAppraisal Access:
If you plan to access eAppraisal from home, you MUST use the VPN utility provided by UHD with your high speed Internet access.
Pop-Up Blocker:
You must turn off all pop-up blocker software or allow the eAppraisal site ( to be exempt from any pop-up blocker, because eAppraisal uses pop-up windows. To turn off pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer 9: Select Tools, Pop-up Blocker, and then select Turn Off Pop-up Blocker. You may also setup the IE Pop-Up Blocker so that it only allows pop-ups from UHD websites, including eAppraisal. You must also disable pop-up blockers from other site toolbars such as Yahoo and Google or allow the eAppraisal site as an allowed site.
Organizational Goals:
Two new “Organizational Goals” that deal with student success and community engagement were developed and are described below. Staff will be assessed on how well they met these two goals next year during the 2015/16 (January/February 2016) appraisal process.
Positively contributes toward the University/departmental goals of increasing enrollment, retention, and/or graduation, and/or promoting student success.
This competency will be included in the “Core” section for all staff in Academic and Student Affairs.
Participates in internal and external University-wide initiatives that contribute to the visibility and positive image of UHD, strengthen the University community, strengthen University partnerships, and expand civic engagement and service learning opportunities for UHD students. (Please provide examples.)
This competency will be included in the “Core” section for all staff.
For questions or assistance with eAppraisal, you may contact Bernice Guillen at or x-2738. For technical assistance, please contact Tony Nguyen at or x-5332.