Carry Over
UHD employees that continue to participate in a health care account for PY16 (September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016), can carry up to $500 of unused PY15 funds into the new plan year but will forfeit any balance greater than $500. (e.g., $600 balance will carry over $500 and forfeit $100). Full PY16 balances became available for viewing in participant’s ADP online account September 1.
PY15 enrollees that did not enroll in a TexFlex health care account for PY16 will forfeit any balance that is less than $25 and any balance greater than $500.
Available PY15 funds and carryover amounts will not be displayed in participant’s TexFlex health care accounts until early October. However, paper claims can be filed during September through ADP. These claims are held until the funds from the previous administrator have settled and can be transferred to ADP.
New Debit Cards
Employees that elected to contribute to a TexFlex health care account for PY16 were mailed a new TexFlex ADP debit card, at no charge, at the end of August. Once activated, cards can begin being used any time after September 1, 2015. All PayFlex debit cards were deactivated after August 31, 2015.
Any current TexFlex health care participant who did not elect to contribute to a health care account in PY16 but has a PY15 carryover amount of $25 to $500, will receive a debit card in October. Please note: the carryover funds will not appear in the ADP system until early October.
Dependent care account participants are no longer able to use debit cards for dependent care costs after August 31, 2015 and will need to submit claims online, by fax or mail.
New TexFlex Administrator
As of September 1, all TexFlex account questions, calls, PY15 and PY16 claims should be directed to the new TexFlex administrator, ADP at (844) 884-2364 toll-free (Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. CT). Participants may also visit the ADP TexFlex website ( at any time.
PY 2015 claims received during September will be held until October 1 due to the transfer of participant information from PayFlex to ADP. This delay applies to claims submitted by mail, fax or uploaded through the ADP website. PY16 claims should not be affected.
Participants have until December 31, 2015 to file claims for eligible expenses that were incurred during PY15.
TexFlex participants are encouraged to do the following:
- Register your ADP online account
- Sign up for direct deposit
- Activate the new debit card
- File claims online, via mail or fax for any eligible expenses
- Download the mobile app to a smart phone and upload claims
Categories: Benefits, Learning, Personal Finance, Wellness, Your Pay