All current and former employees and retirees who had medical coverage through the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) in calendar year 2016 will receive Form-1095-B. Medical coverage providers are required to mail Form 1095-B to participants.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now requires employers to report medical coverage provided to employees and their dependents. In January, all employees, retirees and former employees of a state agency, higher education institution or other agency who had medical coverage through the GBP in calendar year 2016 will receive a Form 1095-B from his or her medical coverage provider. Employees who have opted out or waived GBP medical coverage will not receive a Form 1095-B. Form 1095-B confirms medical coverage, but it doesn’t mean those who receive it will owe income taxes on the value of their health care benefits.
Employees will use information from Form 1095-B for tax filing purposes. For more information, please see Form 1095-B frequently asked questions. Log in to BCCG and see Reporting tab under 1095-B reporting – Designation of Governmental Entity for frequently asked questions about employer requirements for Form 1095-B and Form 1095-C.
Categories: Benefits, News, Personal Finance