
It’s BlueCross, BlueShield of Texas Calling

Over the next several weeks, UHD employees may get calls from BlueCross and BlueShield of Texas (BCBSTX) about their doctors and/or transition of care.

If BCBSTX or the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) contact you, the caller will clearly state they are with BCBSTX or ERS. BCBSTX and ERS will not ask for the employee’s Social Security number.

If you get a call from anyone about health insurance or other coverage, listen closely to what the caller is saying and, if needed, ask the caller to identify themselves again before providing any personal information. Do not provide your Social Security number to the caller.

If you have concerns about the call, hang-up and contact BCBSTX directly at (800) 252-8039.

Source: ERS

Categories: Benefits, News, Wellness

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