
Summer reminder to update UHD-related contact information

There’s no time like the present to update your UHD-related contact information and beneficiaries.


To update your personal contact information - such as phone number, mailing address, email address and emergency contacts:

  1. Log in to PASS by clicking on the PASS icon and enter your Employee ID and password.
  2. Review and update your contact information on the P.A.S.S. Verification screen. (If the P.A.S.S. Verification screen does not come up when you log in, then go to the Personal Information Summary link and review/update your contact information.)

Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS)

Update your ERS contact information, as well as your ERS beneficiaries, by logging in to the ERS website.

Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)

Make changes to your TRS contact information by logging in to the TRS website.

To change your TRS beneficiaries:

  1. Login to the TRS website
  2. Click on Active Members
  3. Proceed to Forms
  4. Find the Designation of Beneficiary Form and download it.
  5. Print the form, fill it out and mail it to the address listed on the form.

Optional Retirement Plan (ORP)

ORP contact information may be updated by logging in to Retirement@Work. If you’d like to make changes to your ORP beneficiaries, please contact your ORP provider.