
Staff Council announces election winners

UHD Staff Council recently announced the results of their FY2019 Staff Council Membership Board election.

Newly elected members take office on September 1, 2018. The election results are as follows:

FY19 UHD Staff Council

President: Liza Alonzo

President Elect: Percy Jackson

Treasurer: Bobbi Shaw

Communications Officer: Elizabeth Wade

Secretary: Debra Shouldice

ASA Ambassadors: Rhonda Scherer, Dr. Mertiza Tamez and Jose Vazquez

University Relations/Office of the President Ambassadors: Mike Emery and Jacob Lipp

A&F Ambassadors: John Lane, Trinity Delafance and Vanessa Turner

ESO Ambassadors: Gladis Moya and Erica Morales



Categories: News, Work/Life

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