
Verify new dependents to ensure health coverage

If you enrolled new dependents in health coverage during Summer Enrollment, you must submit requested verification documents by the due date or your dependent will lose coverage.

If you haven’t already, you will get a letter from Alight Solutions soon. Please pay close attention to any letters, calls or emails from Alight. If you are having trouble getting the required documents by the deadline, please call Alight before the deadline to discuss options. If you don’t send documents proving a dependent’s eligibility by the deadline, that dependent will be dropped from coverage in all Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) plans.

Ineligible dependents

A dependent who previously failed the dependent eligibility verification and lost GBP coverage will have a grayed out profile in ERS OnLine. This dependent cannot be enrolled because he or she did not meet the eligibility criteria to participate in the GBP.

Re-enrollment in both the cases above is possible only:

  • after the member has a qualifying life event (QLE) or
  • during the next Summer Enrollment, if a previously ineligible dependent has been verified as eligible.

You can learn more about dependent eligibility verification on the ERS website.

Source: ERS (2018)

Categories: Benefits, News, Wellness, Work/Life

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