
Staff Council Holiday Decorating Contest ends Dec. 17

It’s time to get into the holiday spirit and decorate your office or office door during this year’s 2018 Staff Council Holiday Decorating Contest.

The last day to decorate is Dec. 17. Judging will occur on Dec. 18, and the winners will be announced at the Dec. 20 Staff Council Monthly Meeting.

Office decorations will be judged on the following categories:

  • Most creative
  • Most traditional
  • Most humorous
  • Best door
  • Best theme

Contest Rules and Details

  • Each department will only be judged on office or door decorations, but not both.
  • All offices must abide by the safety rules set forth by UHD, to include safety codes.
  • Departments may utilize supplies they currently have or purchase supplies at their own expense.
  • The deadline to register is Friday, December 7. One entry per office office/suite.
  • Office decorating must be completed by Noon on Monday, December 17.
  • Judging will take place between 1-4 pm on Tuesday, December 18.
  • Winners will be announced on Thursday, Dec. 20 and pictures will appear in UHD News!


Categories: News, Work/Life

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