The April 15 tax filing deadline is still a few months away, but health plan tax forms will be available to you soon.
Form 1095-B: Proof of medical coverage
If you had non-Medicare health insurance through the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) in Calendar Year 2019 (January-December), tax Form 1095-B will be available to you by the end of March. Form 1095-B contains information you can use on your individual tax return to verify that you (and any covered dependents) had medical insurance in 2019.
Remember: You do not need to provide the IRS with a copy of your 1095-B form—your health plan will send them this information electronically.
How will I get my 1095-B form?
Depending on your health plan, you can get Form 1095-B by mail and/or upon request:
- HealthSelectSM plans will mail you Form 1095-B. You can also log in to your Blue Access for MembersSM account to get your tax form or request the form from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) with the contact information below.
- KelseyCare Powered by Community Health Choice will mail you Form 1095-B. You can also request the form from KelseyCare (contact information below). For those had Kelsey coverage January-August.
GBP health provider contact information
If you need to request a copy of Form 1095-B, you can contact your GBP health provider toll-free at the following numbers:
- BCBSTX: (800) 252-8039, Monday-Friday 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. CT
- KelseyCare powered by Community Health Choice: (844) 515-4877, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT
Health savings account (HSA) tax forms
If you had any activity related to your Consumer Directed HealthSelectSM HSA in Calendar Year 2019 (January-December)—including making or getting contributions, or using funds to pay for or reimburse yourself for health expenses—your HSA tax forms are typically available online at the end of January from Optum Bank, administrator of Consumer Directed HealthSelect HSAs.
- To access your HSA forms, log in to your Optum Bank HSA account and view the “Statements and Docs” section. If you have questions, call Optum Bank HSA toll-free at (866) 234-8913, 24 hours a day, seven days a week (excluding major U.S. holidays).
Reminder: Your W-2 payroll tax form comes from UHD–not your health plan or ERS.
Source: ERS News About Your Benefits (January 2020)