Taking care of your mental health is just as important as attending to your physical health. HealthSelect can help.
HealthSelect mental health benefits include coverage for inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment and office visits. You don’t need a referral for any mental health services, so you can see a mental health provider at any time. However, some services, such as inpatient treatment or intensive outpatient hospital treatment, need a prior authorization before the plan will cover them.
A Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) Personal Health Assistant can help you understand what services require prior authorization and also work with your doctor’s office to help coordinate.
Virtual visits are a convenient option for getting mental health care. Mental health virtual visits are conducted online by licensed mental health professionals. Appointments must be made in advance and are available within five to seven days on average.
Mental health virtual visits can help with:
- anxiety
- depression
- relationship issues
- trauma and loss
- insomnia
- addiction
- stress
- anger management
Participants have a choice between two mental health virtual visits providers:
Doctor on Demand® doctorondemand.com
(800) 997-6196 (TTY:711)
(800) 770-4622 (TTY:711)
HealthSelect Mental Health Support Line 24/7
Participants can call the 24/7 HealthSelect Mental Health Support Line at (800) 442-4093 to talk with a counselor about mental health or substance use issues.
BCBSTX Personal Health Assistants
Let your employees know they can contact a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant with any questions about their benefits, including what services require prior authorization. BCBSTX Personal Health Assistants are available toll-free at (800) 252-8039, Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m.-3 p.m. CT.
Source: ERS Update Express (April 2020)
Categories: Benefits, News, Personal Finance, Wellness