
UHD Annual Benefits Open Enrollment begins June 29

The Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS), which administers health and other insurance benefits for State of Texas employees, will hold its annual enrollment period for Plan Year 2020‐21 from June 29 to July 11, 2020.

Prior to the annual enrollment period, ERS will mail a Personal Benefits Enrollment Statement to all benefits‐eligible employees to the address listed in ERS. Please make sure your address is up to date.

During the annual enrollment period, employees can make changes to their benefits portfolios without a qualifying life event. This is your opportunity to add or drop health, life, or disability insurance or make other changes to your insurance coverage as needed. During summer enrollment you may also enroll in a health care and/or dependent care spending account or cancel an existing one. I encourage everyone to review their benefits portfolio. If you don’t want to change your benefits portfolio, don’t do anything. Your current benefits will remain the same for the upcoming academic year (9/1/2020 to 8/31/2021).

For your convenience, you may make changes to your benefits portfolio during the annual enrollment period of June 29 to July 11, 2020, in one of three ways:

  • Online 24/7 directly with ERS at
  • By calling ERS during normal business hours at (866) 399‐6908
  • Through Employment Services and Operations (ESO) by scheduling an appointment with a benefits representative at Due to social distancing, we encourage everyone to use the first two methods. Zoom appointments will also be available by appointment.

To assist with your insurance questions, ESO is holding a “Get the Scoop” information session on June 25. Join us for our live webinar and enter our drawing for a chance to win a Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker or one of twenty $10 Marble Slab gift cards! Become familiar with insurance plan benefits and rates for the upcoming fiscal year.

For more information or to register for Get the Scoop, see below.

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