
Get your flu shot––soon

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it’s likely that flu viruses and the virus that causes COVID-19 will both spread this fall and winter.
That’s why the CDC is recommending you get a flu shot in September or October. It takes about two weeks for the shot to give you the highest level of protection, so you shouldn’t wait until the middle of flu season to get it.

Getting a flu shot will not protect against COVID-19, but it will decrease your chances of getting the flu and its related health risks. It can also help to prevent spreading the flu, which puts many people in the hospital each year.

Can people have COVID-19 and flu?

Yes, it is possible to have COVID-19 and flu at the same time. Experts are still unsure how common this will be.

The flu alone kills thousands of people each year and sends hundreds of thousands more to the hospital. As a result, the CDC recommends that most people older than six months get a yearly flu shot. Avoiding the weeks of fever, severe headaches, and muscle aches and pains makes getting a flu shot worth your time.

Protecting others

A person who doesn’t know they have the flu can still spread it, so the decision to get a flu shot will also help protect vulnerable members of the community, including people with existing health problems. Those considered vulnerable have the highest risk of serious, even life-threatening, complications from the flu.

Where can I get a flu shot?

UHD is holding a Flu Clinic September 22, 23 and 24 for UHD employees. To find out more visit UHD Flu Shot. Most primary care providers and retail health clinics (located in pharmacies or grocery stores) offer flu shots. To ensure the vaccine is covered 100% by your health plan, make sure the provider or clinic is in your plan’s network.

  • HealthSelectSM plan participants who need help locating in-network providers can call a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant toll-free at (800) 252-8039, Monday–Friday 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. CT.
    • HealthSelect participants may also be able to get the flu vaccine through their HealthSelect prescription drug plan (PDP). For more information about PDP benefits, participants can call toll-free (855) 828-9834.

Source: ERS News About Your Benefits (September 2020)

Categories: Uncategorized

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