
October is National Retirement Security Month

National Retirement Security Month (NRSM) is a national awareness event designed to remind and encourage people about the benefits of saving for retirement.

As a UHD employee, you have the following employer-sponsored retirement plans and retirement savings plans available to you.

There’s no better time to make a plan for a secure retirement.  Please use the following resources to help you plan.

  • Teacher Retirement Systems of Texas Defined Contribution Plan offers Retirement Estimate Calculators, steps for planning for retirement and member education videos
  • Financial Planning Tools and Calculators for ORP and 403b participants. Use these planning tools and calculators to receive guidance for meeting your financial goals. These tools can help with financial planning across the board, including money management, accumulating wealth, preparing to retire, saving for college and life’s financial events.

If you have questions about UHD employer-sponsored benefits, please contact the program’s benefits administrator for more information.

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