
FY2021 Mandatory Training period ends soon

The FY2021 UHS Mandatory Training period is set to end on Friday, November 20, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.

This is a system-wide requirement for ALL University employees and includes full-time and part-time faculty and staff, student workers, and temporary employees paid through the UHD payroll system. This is an acknowledgement year; that is, the seven trainings below will only require answers to one question confirming knowledge and accountability.

SM2103 FY21 Mandatory Training: SOS
SM2101 FY21 Mandatory Training: EEO
SM2102 FY21: Mandatory Training FERPA
SM2104 FY21 MT: Ethics and Fraud
DS2101 FY21 UHD CSA Training
SM2105 FY21 MT: UHS Data Agreement

Employees may be enrolled also in role-based training identified by their department heads. These role-based trainings need to be completed by the deadline of November 20, 2020 as well.

Employees should have received a personalized email from uhecomm@uh.edu, titled Mandatory Training for FY2021, that outlines the FY2021 trainings for which they have been enrolled and need to complete.

Access to the trainings is through the Training Access Portal (TAP). Employees should use their UHD Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials. Once all the required trainings have been successfully completed, a final email will be sent to the employee validating their successful completion.

Employees hired or re-hired on or after September 1, 2020, are automatically enrolled to complete the full trainings.

Questions regarding mandatory training should be directed to TD@uhd.edu or 713-221-8060. Questions regarding UHD’s Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials should be directed to the IT Help Desk at 713-221-8031.

Employees must complete all FY2021 or new hire mandatory training requirements by the published deadline to be in compliance with University of Houston System policies SAM 02.A.11 and SAM 02.A.26, which read as follows:

“System mandated training is considered a minimum job expectation of all employees. System employees who do not complete annual mandatory training by the published deadline will not have met their job expectations and will therefore not be eligible for merit increases (SAM 02.A.11)” and “It is the responsibility of each System employee to complete annual mandatory training. System employees who do not complete annual mandatory training by the published deadline will not have met their job expectations and will therefore not be eligible for merit increases. Supervisors are responsible for monitoring their employees’ training performance (SAM 02.A.26).”



Categories: Learning, New Gators, News, Your Pay

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