
Staff Performance Evaluations now open for Self-Evaluations

The 2020 Performance Evaluation Process began Monday, December 14 for all UHD non-probationary staff.

Staff employees have until January 10, 2021 to complete their Self-Evaluation. Below, please find general information pertaining to the upcoming appraisal cycle, including required tasks/steps, schedule and appraisal period. As with previous years, users will be prompted by email to complete a task. Please make sure to complete the required tasks within the prescribed timeline.


Users will be prompted by email to complete each of the following tasks:

Please remember, if second-level and third-level managers do not approve evaluations by the due date, evaluations will automatically advance to the next task in the process. If one of the bolded steps are not completed by the published deadline, the evaluation will be pushed to the next step in the process.


To make training accessible for employees that are new to the staff performance evaluation system or for those in need of refresher training, recorded Manager and Non-Manager training trainings are available through ESO’s Evaluation Resources page.


For evaluation questions or assistance, please contact talent@uhd.edu.

Categories: Learning, Managers, News, Your Pay

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