To encourage UHD employees to be aware of and reduce their health risks, UHD provides a Wellness Leave incentive of up to eight (8) hours to employees who complete an online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and receive an annual comprehensive physical exam.
The University of Houston-Downtown’s Employee Wellness Program strives to increase the well-being and productivity of all employees through the enhancement of all aspects of health.
Wellness Leave Time is available to full-time, benefits-eligible staff and provides eight hours of leave time per year and may be used for any purpose.
The program seeks to increase awareness of positive health behaviors, motivate employees to voluntarily adopt healthier behaviors and provide opportunities and a supportive environment to foster positive lifestyle changes.
To encourage UHD employees to be aware of and reduce their health risks, UHD provides a Wellness Leave incentive of up to eight (8) hours to employees who complete an online Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and receive an annual comprehensive physical exam.
To request up to eight hours of wellness leave time, the following steps must be completed:
- Complete the Health Risk Assessment and Physician’s Certification of Routine Physical Exam Affidavit. The affidavit, along with detailed Wellness Leave instructions, can be found at ttp://
- Complete and print the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) (Instructions below).
- Schedule a physical exam with your doctor’s office using sick leave.
- Ensure that the physician has stamped and signed the “Physician’s Certification of Routine Physical Exam” section of the affidavit.
- Submit the affidavit and certificate of HRA completion (if available) to your supervisor for signature.
- Submit the affidavit and certificate of HRA completion (if available) to Shyra McMurray at in ESO.
HealthSelectSM of Texas, HealthSelect Out-of-State, HealthSelect Secondary or Consumer Directed HealthSelect
Participants in the HealthSelect plans should log in to Well onTarget to access the health assessment with the following steps:
- Go to the HealthSelect website.
- Click on “Log In” in the upper right-hand corner.
- Log in to Blue Access for Members account or register with information on the medical ID card.
- Once logged in, click “Well onTarget” under Quick Links on the left.
Employees with questions about how to log in to Well onTarget®, or how to find the health assessment should call a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant toll-free at (800) 252-8039 Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. CT.
All health plans offered under the Texas Employees Group Benefits Plan (GBP) provide Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) available to participants. An HRA is made up of a series of questions to gauge a person’s health and wellness. Once a participant takes the assessment, he or she will receive a confirmation email and get a personal wellness report with recommendations for managing stress and improving health outcomes.
For more information on Wellness Leave or UHD’s Employee Wellness Program Policy (PS 02.B.13), go to or contact ESO at x8060.