By Annie Lara
You know you have vacation and sick leave, but as a UHD employee did you know there are 15 additional “miscellaneous” leaves you probably didn’t realize you had available.
Some of these leaves are special to certain circumstances, such as military leave; however, many are available to all employees.
Find out if these leaves apply to you. Check out the following list to learn more.
15 UHD “Miscellaneous” Leaves
1. Amateur Radio Operator Leave
If you have an amateur radio station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission, you can take leave up to ten days each fiscal year to participate in specialized disaster relief services.
2. Assistance Dog Training for Employees with Disabilities Leave
Employees with a disability can receive paid leave to acquaint themselves with their trained dog. People using this leave can take up to ten days each a fiscal year!
3. Bereavement Leave
In the event of a family member’s death, you can request leave from your immediate supervisor. The leave can also encompass the time it takes to take care of personal responsibilities surrounding events associated with the death.
4. Blood Donations Leave
You can even take leave to donate blood! Employees have the option to donate blood up to four times each fiscal year under this leave.
5. Bone Marrow and Organ Donations
As a bone marrow donor, you can take up to five days of leave a year and as an organ donor up to 30 days.
6. Court Appointed Special Advocates Volunteer
If you participate as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), you can take up to five hours each month to participate in mandatory training or perform volunteer services for Court Appointed Special Advocates.
7. Emergency Leave
In case of emergency closing of the campus or a portion of the campus declared by the President or their designee, you may be authorized emergency leave.
8. Foster Parent
If you are a foster parent to a child under the conservatorship of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), you are entitled to a leave of absence with full pay to attend staff meetings regarding the child held by the DFPS or to attend admission, review and dismissal (ARD) meetings held by a school district regarding the child.
9. Jury Duty
As a UHD employee, you can leave to respond to a summons for jury duty and to serve on a jury, if selected. You will be granted time to report for jury duty and to report to work following dismissal from jury duty.
10. Military Leave
If you are a member of the military, you can receive military leave for the following:
- Authorized training or duty for the State’s military forces and members of any reserve branch of the U.S. Armed Forces
- Activation of the State’s National Guard by the Governor
- National emergency
11. Educational Activities Leave
You can use up to eight hours of sick leave each fiscal year to attend educational activities for your children aged pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.
12. Red Cross Disaster Service Volunteer Leave
If you are a certified disaster service volunteer of the American Red Cross or are in training to become a volunteer, you can receive paid leave. In addition to training, this leave allows you to participate in in specialized disaster relief services for the American Red Cross. Employees using this leave can take up to 10 days each year.
13. Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Training
Any employee attending volunteer firefighter and emergency medical services training is entitled to paid leave of up to five working days each fiscal year.
14. Voting Leave
Each benefits-eligible employee is allowed sufficient time off to vote in each national, state, or local elections.
15. Witness Duty Leave
If you are called to appear in an official capacity in any judicial action, legislative investigation or as an expert witness, the University will consider and report that time as time worked and not be entitled to any witness fees. An employee who serves as a witness for any other reason than on behalf of the University must report the time as vacation, compensatory time or unpaid leave, and is entitled to receive witness fees.
Remember all leaves must be submitted to supervisors and reflected on the employees’ Leave Absence Requests.
For more information on “miscellaneous” leaves, visit PS 02.A.09 - Miscellaneous Leave Policy