Feeling stuck in your job? It happens to all of us—that feeling that we’re spinning our wheels day after day, never making any forward progress. You don’t have to give up on yourself, though. Here’s some guidance for breaking out of the rut from the Stylist website:
• Coach yourself. If you don’t have access to a career coach, don’t despair. You can coach yourself by asking the same kinds of questions a coach would: What do you want in 12 months that you don’t have now? Who can you learn from? What does success really mean to you? These will help you start thinking about what you can do differently on the job and in your career.
• Break free of preconceptions. Don’t box yourself in when you think about what you want to do. If your goal is just to become a manager, for example, you may be stuck waiting for the right management job to open up. But if you explore why you want to be a manager, you might realize that you like guiding and developing people. That can take you in new and exciting directions.
• Track your small successes. It’s easy to think you’re not getting anywhere when your goal is far away. You can overcome that feeling by keeping track of your victories, no matter how modest. Spend a few minutes every day writing down what you’ve accomplished. Review your list often and you’ll see that you’re actually making steady progress. The feeling of accomplishment will feed your motivation and propel you forward.