
HealthSelect Changes for FY2023

Enhanced health insurance benefits for HealthSelect participants effective September 1, 2022:

  • Colonoscopy benefits – preventive care, including colonoscopies and stool-based screenings, are covered at no cost to you
  • Diagnostic breast imaging benefits – in-network breast imaging services, including screening and diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs, are covered at no cost to you

Out-of-pocket annual maximums will increase to $7,050 for employee-only coverage and $14,100 for family coverage beginning January 1, 2023.  If you reach the out-of-pocket maximum prior to December 31, 2023, the plan will pay 100% of your covered in-network health costs through December 31, 2023.

Please remember to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP).  You must choose a PCP to receive in-network benefits.

For information and assistance visit HealthSelect/BlueCross BlueShield of Texas website or call a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant at (800) 252-8039 (TTY: 711).

Categories: Benefits

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