
Earn Incentives with HealthSelect ShoppERS and BluePoints

HealthSelect of Texas participants can make their money go farther with HealthSelect ShoppERS and BluePoints, two programs designed to reward you for taking a proactive approach to your health!

The HealthSelect ShoppERS logo is featured, which includes the words "HealthSelect ShoppERS" atop three circles aligned in a row. The first circle includes a price tag that points to the word "SHOP", the second circle includes a stethoscope that points to the word "GO", and the third circle includes a credit card with the word "EARN".

The HealthSelect ShoppERS incentive program rewards you for choosing lower-cost options when shopping for certain medical services and procedures. Eligible HealthSelect of Texas participants could earn up to $500 in a TexFlex Flexible Savings Account (FSA) per year on rewards-eligible procedures by choosing high-quality, lower-cost providers.

The "Well onTarget" logo is featured, which includes the words "Well onTarget" with the letter "o" stylized as a power symbol, which includes a vertical line extending from the top of the "o".

As part of Well onTarget, HealthSelect of Texas participant can earn BluePoints for regularly participating in many different healthy activities. BluePoints can be redeemed for items including fitness gear, wearables, electronics, and camping equipment.

UHD employees are invited to learn more about these exciting programs during two upcoming virtual sessions:

As always, please reach out to your Benefits Team at with any questions you may have!

Categories: Benefits, Money