It’s no secret that UHD has an abundance of exceptional staff dedicated to student success and the overall success of our community. Just look at the numbers:
- 48 staff members received Kudos in July
- These 48 staff members represent 23 departments
- 18 people from across campus submitted Kudos for their colleagues
Please join us in congratulating July 2023’s Kudos recipients!
- Accounts Payable
- DeVrone Suggs
- Advancement & University Relations
- Kai-Cheng Chen
- Shiya Rawls
- Toye Simmons
- Laura Waits
- Auxiliary Services
- Debora Evans
- Budget Office
- Erika Ventura
- Career Services
- Arrianna O’Quin
- College of Business
- Jakobi Augillard
- La’Tandra Semiens
- College of Public Service
- Justin Burton
- Conference & Events Services
- Monica Valencia
- Counseling Services
- Tiffany Wilson
- Eva Yerende
- Employment Services & Operations
- Brandi McInnis
- Katalina Castillo
- Mike Guajardo
- Bernice Guillen
- Jackee Hester
- Paula Jannett
- Donnie Kesterson
- Christian Purdy
- Enrollment Management
- Antréchelle Dorsey
- Enterprise Systems
- Roxanne Hernandez
- Duong Tran
- Facilities Management
- Javier Diaz-Tornez
- Valentin Gonzalez
- Antonio Islas
- Financial Aid
- Cora Olorunnisomo
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Sharona Castello
- Jacob Foz
- Karlyli Juarez
- Sheila Ortega-Calvillo
- Timothy Solis
- John Stubblefield
- Kei Tones
- Information Technology
- Rose Martinez
- Office of the President
- Dr. Loren J. Blanchard
- Brian Drake
- Sylvia Rodriguez
- Procurement & Contracts
- Evelyn Paige
- Public Safety
- Gerrelyn Davidson
- Sciences & Technology
- Joshua Segura
- Technical Services
- JR Sears
- Undergraduate Admissions
- Heidi Rucoba
- User Support Services
- Adrian Bermudez
- Brittany Clark
- Thomas McBride
Kudos are a quick and easy way to provide positive feedback to a fellow staff member. They can be shared with a supervisor and applied to performance evaluations because Kudos reside in MyTalentSpace.
Along with receiving Kudos recognition in MyTalentSpace, recipients are recognized each month in The HUB.
How to send Kudos:
- Login to My TalentSpace
- Click the menu icon (three stacked lines) at the top left corner of the page.
- Click on Performance
- Click on Kudos and Feedback
- Click the “New Feedback” button on the upper right side of the page
- Click Kudos and Recognition
- Type the first and last name of the recipient
- Type your comments in the body of the email
- Click OK
For additional information or detailed instructions on how to use Kudos, visit bit.ly/UHDKudos.
Categories: Employee Recognition, Kudos