Employee Recognition

Nominate a Staff Member for a Staff Award Today!

A hand reaches on screen from the top left corner. The hand is dropping a ballot into a box labeled "Nominate today!"

Nominations for the 2023 Staff Awards Ceremony are officially open and will be accepted until 5:00p.m. on Friday, August 18!

The 2023 Staff Awards Ceremony will recognize staff service longevity, staff academic achievement, five staff impact awards, and the President’s Staff Excellence Award.

As a reminder, the 2023 Staff Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 28, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Special Events Area in A300. RSVPs will open on Thursday, August 24.

Read on to learn more about these awards and how to nominate a colleague today!!

Types of Awards

  1. Service Longevity Awards
    • Service Longevity Awards recognize staff members staff members who complete service longevity milestones in increments of five (5) years (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.), adjusted for breaks in service, during the previous academic/fiscal year. Staff members who complete service longevity milestones between September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023 will be honored during the 2023 Staff Awards Ceremony.
    • Nominations are not required for Service Longevity Awards; ESO will use personnel records to determine employees who are eligible for these awards.
  2. Academic Achievement Awards
    • Academic Achievement Awards honor staff members who have successfully completed significant education development opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and therefore improved their opportunities for advancement.
    • Staff members must nominate themselves for an Academic Achievement Award using the Academic Achievement Award form by 5:00p.m. on Friday, August 18, to be eligible for an Academic Achievement Award.
  3. Staff Impact Awards
    • Staff Impact Awards honor UHD staff members for achievement in the following five (5) categories:
      1. Student Success - $1,000 monetary award
      2. Leadership - $1,000 monetary award
      3. Rookie of the Year - $500 monetary award
      4. Goes the Extra Mile - $500 monetary award
      5. Teamwork - one day of paid leave and a pizza party for the team
    • Staff Impact Award nominations will be accepted from any UHD employee. Self-nominations, however, are not permitted.
      • A complete Staff Impact Award nomination packet consists of a completed nomination form.
      • The Impact Award nomination packet must be submitted by 5:00p.m. on Friday, August 18, 2023 for a nominee to be considered for a Staff Impact Award.
  4. The President’s Staff Excellence Award - $3,500 monetary award
    • The President’s Staff Excellence Award recognizes one staff member for individual excellence achieved in their role within the University. The President’s Staff Excellence Award is the highest honor the University can bestow upon a staff employee. It is designed to recognize and honor one staff member every year that has served the University in an exemplary manner.
    • Nominations for the President’s Staff Excellence Award will be accepted by any UHD employee. Self-nominations, however, are not permitted.
      • A complete nomination packet for the President’s Staff Excellence Award consists of a President’s Staff Excellence Award nomination form and statements from two different UHD employees supporting the nominee.
      • The President’s Staff Excellence Award nomination packet must be submitted by 5:00p.m. on Friday, August 18, 2023 for a nominee to be considered for the President’s Staff Excellence Award.

More information about each award can be found on the 2023 Staff Awards Ceremony webpage.

Important Dates:

  • Staff Impact and President’s Staff Excellence Award nomination packets available: Monday, July 17
  • Staff Impact and Staff Excellence Award nomination packets due: Friday, August 18
  • Staff Awards invitations sent: Thursday, August 24
  • Staff Awards RSVPs requested: Thursday, September 7
  • Staff Awards Ceremony: Thursday, September 28, from 2:00-4:00p.m. in A300

We encourage you to reach out to eso@uhd.edu with any questions you may have about the nomination process, the awards ceremony, or any other staff awards related questions. We are here to help!