
Supervisor Assessment Process Opens October 23

It may be hard to believe, but it’s almost time for the 2023 staff performance evaluation cycle to begin! The first element of the performance evaluation cycle is the optional supervisor assessment, which is open from Monday, October 23 until Sunday, November 5.

The supervisor assessment is an opportunity for staff members to evaluate their supervisors by providing honest and constructive feedback. The supervisor assessment is confidential and routed directly to the second-level manager. Second-level managers should use feedback from the assessments as an additional resource of information when evaluating their direct reports and determining their professional growth opportunities.

Assessments are not shared with the supervisors for whom they were submitted, and second-level managers are required to keep the assessor’s identity and comment(s) confidential.

Completing a supervisor assessment takes between 10-15 minutes and consists of general and specific competencies. You will be asked to rate your supervisor on a four-point scale in eight different areas, and you will have the opportunity to leave additional feedback about your experience as well. Your participation in the supervisor assessment contributes to a culture of continuous improvement at all levels of UHD, so we encourage all full-time, benefits-eligible staff to complete the supervisor assessment.

About 50% of UHD staff completed the 2022 supervisor assessment. In order to provide more constructive feedback to even more supervisors, this year we’re hoping for a 75% completion rate. Feedback from supervisor assessments is used in many ways:

  • As a way for second-level managers to be informed of the impact that supervisors have on their teams
  • As considerations for supervisors’ individual professional development plans
  • As potential considerations for professional development opportunities for all supervisors if any trends emerge

Completing a supervisor assessment is a quick and impactful way to contribute to your supervisor’s continuous growth, as well as our growth as a community. We welcome you to contact talent@uhd.edu with any questions you may have. We are here to help!

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