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Breast Cancer Awareness and Detection

This lightly-edited article is being reprinted here with permission for the convenience of UHD employees.

The American Cancer Society estimates that one in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.

Because early detection can be key to survival, the Office of Human Resources has invited The Rose mammogram bus to provide UHD employees and their spouses free on-site mammograms on November 13. UHD employees and their spouses may register directly with The Rose using the code UHD.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) have also created some resources to help raise breast cancer awareness among HealthSelectSM plan participants at UHD.

The HealthSelect of Texas logos are featured, which read "HealthSelect of Texas" and "Consumer Directed Health Select" respectively.

Breast Cancer Awareness Webinar on October 26

UHD employees are invited to attend the breast cancer awareness webinar on Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. CT by members of wellness teams from the Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) and BCBSTX. The webinar covers the most common types of breast cancer, risk factors, the importance of regular screenings and breast cancer myths.

You can sign up for the webinar on the ERS wellness calendar.

A shareable version of the presentation will be available on the Women’s Health page of the HealthSelect website.

Breast Cancer Awareness Flier

A shareable breast cancer awareness flier is available on the Women’s Health page. The flier covers the importance of early detection and explains strategies for early detection including regular doctor visits and making sure women are getting appropriate screenings.

Additional Resources

HealthSelectSM of Texas and Consumer Directed HealthSelectSM participants have several resources to help them manage their health and wellness, including access to a dedicated team of care management clinicians. Clinicians help people with all types of health questions about many topics, including breast cancer. They can speak with participants about new diagnoses, managing existing conditions, understanding treatment plans, accessing additional health and wellness resources and more.

Participants can speak to a clinician by calling BCBSTX toll-free at (800) 252-8039 (TTY: 711) between 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. CT., Monday – Friday.


For additional information and shareable resources, visit the HealthSelect website. If you have questions about benefit changes, contact UHD’s dedicated Compensation and Benefits team at x8060 or

Categories: all employees