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Complete Your Mandatory Training Before November 17!

A calendar is featured with the date November 17 emphasized. Inside the calendar block reads "Mandatory Training Due!"

The FY 2024 University of Houston System mandatory training period began on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, and runs through Tuesday, November 17, 2023. This is a system-wide requirement for all University employees and includes full-time and part-time faculty and staff, student employees, and temporary employees paid through the UHD payroll system.

Employees must complete all FY2024 or new hire mandatory training requirements by the published deadline to be in compliance with the University of Houston System policies SAM 02.A.11 and SAM 02.A.26, which read as follows:

“System-mandated training is considered a minimum job expectation of all employees. System employees who do not complete annual mandatory training by the published deadline will not have met their job expectations and will therefore not be eligible for merit increases (SAM 02.A.11)” and “It is the responsibility of each System employee to complete annual mandatory training. System employees who do not complete annual mandatory training by the published deadline will not have met their job expectations and will therefore not be eligible for merit increases. Supervisors are responsible for monitoring their employees’ training performance (SAM 02.A.26).”

Have questions about the FY 2024 mandatory training period? Check out these answers to some frequently asked questions!

  • Why do I need to take this again?  
    • All UHS (University of Houston System) employees must complete these recurring training modules every fiscal year.  
    • The mandated courses you currently see in your enrollment are for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24), which began on September 1, 2023. 
  • How do I access my courses?
    • You will be able to access your required training by logging into the Training Access Portal (TAP) using your UHD Network Credentials. These are commonly called your Single Sign On (SSO) credentials.
  • I can’t access TAP, and I need help resetting my password: 
    • If you need help with resetting your password, please contact UHD’s IT (Information Technology) department at the following: 
  • I am logged in, but I cannot see my courses: 
    • Let’s troubleshoot and try a few things first: 
      • Make sure you are using the correct site. Here is the link: 
      • Switch browsers. We recommend using Chrome or Firefox.  
      • Double check your ID and password. 
      • Clear out your history and cache if your credentials were stored.  
    • If someone added additional courses for you, those courses could take up to 24 hours to appear in your account.  

The friendly Talent Development Team is happy to assist you should you have any remaining questions! Give them a call at x8060 or send them a message at!

Categories: all employees