UHD employees have access to dozens of free, high-quality, competency-based learning opportunities offered by the Office of Human Resources’ Talent Development (TD) team each year.
The TD Team offers sessions relevant to faculty, staff, and student employees. Whether you’re looking to hone a soft skill, to pick up a new computer-related skill, to learn more about UHD’s career advancement opportunities, or you’re a supervisor looking to enhance your management and leadership skills, the TD team has something for everyone!
For your convenience, we’ve included the TD Team’s professional learning offerings for the months of November and December in this post. Be sure to explore the HR calendar to see what’s in store for January and beyond, and feel free to contact TD@uhd.edu with any questions you may have about upcoming professional learning opportunities!
Gator Learning: Career Ladders & Promotions
What: Join Erica Morales, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, to learn more about career advancement at UHD and tools to increase promotability!
When: Thursday, November 16 - 2:00-3:30p.m.
Where: OMB N600 & Zoom
Audience: UHD Staff
Gator Learning: Crafting Connection: Creating Team Connectedness
What: Join Gladis Moya, Benefits and Compensation Administrator in the Office of Human Resources, to explore the magic of team connectedness by embracing the unique strengths of your team.
When: Thursday, December 7 - 10:30a.m. - noon
Where: OMB N600 & Zoom
Audience: All UHD employees
Gator Learning: Beyond Words - Precision in Interpersonal Communication
What: Join Dr. Elizabeth Hatfield, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, to explore how intentionally crafted messages can enhance your interpersonal communication skills.
When: Wednesday, December 13 - 10:30a.m. - noon
Where: OMB N600 & Zoom
Who: All UHD employees
Staff Performance Evaluation Training
What: Join members of the Office of Human Resources to learn more about the 2023 staff performance evaluation cycle. Separate sessions will be offered for UHD staff who participate in the annual performance evaluation process and UHD employees who supervise staff who participate in the annual performance evaluation process.
- Manager Performance Evaluation Training : Tuesday, December 5 - 10:00-11:00 a.m.
- Non-manager Performance Evaluation Training: Wednesday, December 6 - 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: OMB N600 & Zoom
Who: UHD staff who participate in the annual performance evaluation process, UHD employees who supervise staff who participate in the annual performance evaluation process
Categories: all employees, Events, faculty, Learning, Managers, staff, student employees, Talent Development