
Monitor Your Mail: New Prescription Cards are Coming!

This article is being reprinted here with permission for the convenience of UHD employees.

Express Scripts gearing up to administer the HealthSelect Prescription Drug Program beginning Jan. 1, 2024

Express Scripts® is entering the final phase of preparations to become the third-party administrator for the HealthSelectSM Prescription Drug Program on Jan. 1, 2024. Optum Rx will continue to administer the plan through Dec. 31, 2023.

You can learn more about the transition on the ERS website.

ID cards

Express Scripts will send welcome packets to all current plan participants in December. The packets will contain the following for use beginning Jan. 1.

  • Two ID cards per household to use beginning Jan. 1
  • Mail order form
  • Plan guide with coverage details and Express Scripts’ contact information

Continuation of coverage

A person looks ata piece of mail.

Express Scripts will send letters in November and December, to inform any participants who may be taking a medication that’s not on Express Scripts formulary or using a pharmacy that’s not in their network.

The letters will give alternatives to medication and options that participants can discuss with their providers. They can also contact Express Scripts customer service and/or go to the new plan website for this information. Participants taking a medication that will no longer be on the formulary will be able to continue on their current medication at the current coverage until April 1, 2024. This is to give them time to talk with their providers, instead of having to change January 1.  Participants taking a medication that will be subject to prior authorization or step therapy requirements will be able to continue taking these medications without having to meet the new requirements.

Express Scripts has more than 60,000 pharmacies in its network, including many that are in the current Optum Rx network. They also have a mail order pharmacy through Express Scripts® Home Delivery. Members should be able to find an in-network pharmacy provider no matter where they live.

Call center and plan website available

A call center representative talks on the phone.

Express Scripts call center is be available for participants toll-free at (800) 935-7189 (TTY: 711). Representatives will be able to answer general questions about the transition, plan benefits, and the new formulary and pharmacy network. Starting Dec. 1, they can answer participant questions about their specific medications and refills or address any changes to the formulary.

Also on Oct. 30, participants can go to the plan website to see in-network pharmacies through “Find a pharmacy” tool. Participants can also use the “Price a medication” tool to see the out-of-pocket cost of a medication under Express Scripts’ formulary.

Participants can register for an account on the plan website beginning Dec. 1. 

Webinars for benefits coordinators and participants in December

Express Scripts will conduct a webinars in December to virtually meet with benefits coordinators and participants. In November and early December, webinar registration information will be available in Update-express and News About Your Benefits. In November, encourage your employees to check ERS’ events calendar from time to time for registration details.

Contact Optum Rx for claims and plan information until Dec. 31.

Until Dec. 31, participants should continue to contact Optum Rx toll-free at (855) 828-9834 (TTY: 711) for plan information and questions about claims. They should also use their Optum Rx-issued ID cards at pharmacies until that date.

Categories: Benefits, faculty, staff