
Form 1095-B or Proof of Insurance Coverage Will be Available Online Soon

This HealthSelect announcement is being reprinted here for the convenience of UHD employees.

Form 1095-B contains information to prove that an individual (and any covered dependents) had medical coverage in the last calendar year. Individuals no longer need to provide the IRS with a copy of this form during tax season, but it is available if you want it. Your medical plan provider will send this information to the IRS electronically.

If you want a copy of your Form 1095-B to keep with your tax or insurance records, you can get one from your medical plan provider. UHD cannot provide you with a copy of your Form 1095-B.

  • HealthSelectSM plan participants: If you participated in HealthSelect of Texas®, Consumer Directed HealthSelectSM or HealthSelectSM Out-of-State through the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) at any time in Calendar Year 2023, you can get a copy of Form 1095-B online through your Blue Access for MembersSM account starting in late January 2024. Or, they can request a paper copy be mailed by calling Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) at (800) 252- 8039 (TTY: 711).
    • Please note: All covered family members will be included on one form; there is no separate Form 1095-B for each covered dependent.

For more information about Form 1095-B, visit ERS’ Form 1095-B FAQs webpage.

Categories: Benefits, faculty, staff