The Office of Human Resources recently informed UHD employees of required annual notices. We are reprinting that notification here for the convenience of UHD employees.

Please make note of the following annual requirements for all University of Houston-Downtown employees:
- Review of Essential Policies – As required by the University of Houston System Board of Regents, University of Houston System (System) and University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) policies, all UHD employees (faculty, staff, student employees, and temporary employees paid through the University’s payroll system) should read and become familiar with all policies applicable to their position at UHD. UHD policies and System policies may be accessed on HR’s policy website. We have also included a document at the end of this post detailing policies we’d like to ensure you have a chance to review.
- Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline – Integrity is one of UHD’s shared values, and we are committed to the highest ethical standards in our operations. One of the many ways we hold ourselves accountable to our constituents includes the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline, a confidential resource that any member of the UHD community can use to report any incidents or suspicions of misconduct within the University of Houston System. For more information regarding the Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline, please visit UHD’s Hotlines and Other Reporting Options webpage.
Other Important Information:
- Update Contact Information – Please make sure to update your personal contact information, such as phone number, mailing address, personal email address, and emergency contacts in PASS. This will ensure the University will be able to contact you with relevant information and in the event of an emergency.
- Holiday Calendar – The University of Houston System (UHS) Board of Regents approved the fiscal year 2025 holiday calendar at their February 21 meeting. As a reminder, UHS annual holidays are set by state law and approved annually by the UHS Board of Regents. You may view the calendar included at the end of this message, or you may visit the Office of Human Resources’ holidays webpage for more details.
Please reach out to or call x8060 with any questions you may have regarding any of the items included in this notice. Our dedicated team will be happy to assist you.
The Office of Human Resources
Categories: all employees, faculty, Managers, New Gators, staff, student employees