Category: Learning

Two colleagues communicating.

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Communication is key in the workplace

What is the most significant problem in the workplace that inhibits productivity, causes conflicts between workers and managers and creates the most risk for employees and the organization? Poor workplace communication.

TRAM – Time Reporting & Absence Management

As you may’ve heard by now, the University of Houston System is rolling out Time Reporting & Absence Management (TRAM). So what is all the fuss about, you may ask? TRAM is an automated and updated application for capturing and processing time and leave, which will take us […]

Upcoming UHD Workshops

ESO is excited to host three excellent workshops during March and April; Achieving Balance, Communicating Convincingly, and Business Etiquette & Civility in the Workplace. The workshops are open at no cost to all UHD faculty and staff. Register through PASS (registration instructions at the end of this post). […]