Category: *Upcoming…

Walgreen’s Flu Shot

Walgreen’s Flu Shot Greetings! Flu season is just around the corner! Influenza (“flu”) is a contagious disease that spreads around the United States every winter, usually between October and May. Through collaboration with United Healthcare and Walgreens, we are now able to offer flu immunizations onsite at NO […]

Upcoming UHD Workshops

ESO is excited to host three excellent workshops during March and April; Achieving Balance, Communicating Convincingly, and Business Etiquette & Civility in the Workplace. The workshops are open at no cost to all UHD faculty and staff. Register through PASS (registration instructions at the end of this post). […]

TIAA-CREF Financial Services on Campus Next Week

A TIAA-CREF Financial Services representative will be available on campus next week to meet and discuss your existing 403(b) ORP/TDA account. Also, if you are interested in starting an account you can schedule an individual meeting. Please open the attached flied for additional information. To schedule apersonal meeting, please […]