Category: Wellness

February is American Heart Month

If you are looking for ways to improve your heart health—and maybe shed a few pounds as you do—sign up for the Fitness Program in February. This month, you can enroll for free! Has your New Year’s resolution to get fit come and gone faster than you can […]

Exploring UHD’s Wellness Leave Incentive

The University of Houston-Downtown’s Employee Wellness Program strives to increase the well-being and productivity of all employees through enhancement of all aspects of health. The program seeks to increase awareness of positive health behaviors, motivate employees to voluntarily adopt healthier behaviors and provide opportunities and a supportive environment […]

February Employee Discounts

As a UHD employee, you have access to a variety of work/life discounts and savings programs designed to help you save money. In February, take advantage of special savings offered through ERS Beneplace. Interested in more savings opportunities? Visit ESO’s Work/Life webpage for a full list of savings […]