The holiday season made it tough to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The delicious (but often unhealthy) meals and treats, along with fun (but tiring) social gatherings and events. All the hustle and bustle left us with little time for taking care of ourselves. The new year is the […]
UT Dallas’ Center for Brain Health is inviting ERS members to participate in their Spring Speaker Series! Each month, the Center for Brain Health will be featuring world-renowned researchers and speakers on topics related to brain health. On February 10, join Deepak Chopra, MD from 7-8:10 p.m. as […]
UHD employees wanting to improve their fitness this year have a valuable benefit at their disposal. Fitness Release Time. Fitness Release Time (FRT) allows UHD employees to participate in activities in the Student Live Center (SLC) as well as outside of it, such as walking, climbing stairs, biking, […]
HealthSelect Prescription Drug Program benefits now cover formulary insulin from in-network pharmacies before the annual plan deductible is met. As of Sept. 1, 2021, HealthSelectSM Prescription Drug Program (PDP) participants no longer have to meet the annual deductible on covered insulin. The HealthSelectSM plan will pay its share of eligible […]
The Rose is once again bringing their mobile mammogram bus to UHD’s campus February 14 between 9 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. Appointments for these important screenings can be booked by registering at with code: UHD. Patient requirements for mobile program screenings include: Must be 35 or older […]