UHD Employment Services & Operations would like to know how after-hours work interferes with your personal life. Please take our very brief pulse survey. This month’s survey covers questions concerning whether after-hours work interferes with your personal life. It is completely anonymous. The survey should take less than […]
UHD Employment Services & Operations would like to know how after-hours work interferes with your personal life. Please take our very brief pulse survey. This month’s survey covers questions concerning whether after-hours work interferes with your personal life. It is completely anonymous. The survey should take less than […]
Just because it is the holidays does not mean you have to wreck your success. Join UHD Sports & Fitness November 16 from 2-3 p.m via Zoom. Utilize some of the best healthy practices taught in this workshop to keep you on track without gaining all those pounds. […]
Biomedent brings their affordable, state-of-the-art and convenient preventative dental care and wellness services to Room N-602 November 17 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Employees can be seen on site at UHD by state-certified dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants offering quality care and services.
As a UHD employee, you have access to a variety of work/life discounts and savings programs designed to help you save money. In November, take advantage of special savings offered through ERS Beneplace. Interested in more savings opportunities? Visit ESO’s Work/Life webpage for a full list of savings […]