FY2023 Mandatory Training

The FY2023 UHS Mandatory Training period is set to end on Friday, November 18, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. This is a system-wide requirement for ALL University employees and includes full-time and part-time faculty and staff, student workers, and temporary employees paid through the UHD payroll system. Employees may also be […]

Portrait of happy successful young female doctor holding a stethoscope

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Don’t Forget to Choose Your PCP

UHD employees who participate in HealthSelect are required to choose a Primary Care Provider (PCP) and let Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) know of your choice to receive in-network benefits.  You can change your PCP at any time and you and your covered dependents can have […]

ERS Beneplace Fall Discounts

UHD employees who participate in HealthSelect are eligible for special savings offered through the ERS Beneplace Discount Purchase Program. Check out some of their fall discounts: Find these offers and more on the Discount Purchase Program website.