
Staff participants sought in full-scale exercise

On August 14, UHD and METRO will hold a multi-agency, full-scale exercise. This type of exercise will happen in real-time and deploy actual response personnel.

In order to simulate active classrooms for law enforcement to sweep while looking for an assailant, UHD staff are asked to participate by populating rooms in the Shea Building. Participation is limited, and those wishing to participate must register with Carol Manousos via email at manousosc@uhd.edu and be in place in the Shea Building no later than 8:50 a.m.

To register, please email the following:

  • Name
  • Department
  • Email address

Staff participants are welcome to bring a laptop, tablet and/or items typically used during their normal workday.

Participant’s email addresses will be used in a “special group” to receive emergency email messaging on the day of the exercise. Anyone wanting those messages sent to an email address not related to work, may provide a different email address. Staff wanting to receive messaging through text need to include their phone number.

Agencies participating are METRO, HPD, HFD, TSA and Harris County Sheriff’s Office. The exercise will involve the Daly Street Lot and Shea Building and anticipate “action” starting at approximately 9 a.m. and ending around 10 a.m.

During the exercise, UHD will test capabilities, find gaps, and enhance inter-agency relationships. Law enforcement responders, fire personnel and decision makers use exercises to learn, practice skills and test resources.

Categories: Learning, Managers, News

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