Ongoing dependent eligibility verification reminder
As ERS concludes the 2014 dependent eligibility audit, we’ve begin our ongoing dependent verification.
As ERS concludes the 2014 dependent eligibility audit, we’ve begin our ongoing dependent verification.
Premiums, retirement contributions and Annual Enrollment changes may cause slight changes in your check.
Tier 1 copays reduced; deductibles start over Starting September 1, Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP) participants will pay about 30% less for Tier 1 prescription drugs, which include most generic drugs.
If you’re a UHD employee, you know just how important Annual Benefits Open Enrollment is each year. It’s your chance to make changes to several benefits offered through the University without having a qualifying event. It is also the time of year to find out what modifications will […]
The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! ERS Annual Enrollment for Plan Year 2015 runs from July 14 - 27.