
Keep them covered!

Ongoing verification process begins in July.

To ensure that only eligible dependents enroll in health coverage and to lower the instances of fraud, ERS is working with Aon Hewitt to conduct ongoing dependent eligibility verification for the Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GBP). The ongoing verification process begins in July and will include any dependents added to coverage who have not been verified as eligible in a prior audit. Removing ineligible dependents from the GBP helps ensure the long-term viability of the benefits offered to our members.

How it works:

Once a dependent is enrolled in health coverage and the event closes in ERS OnLine, ERS will send the enrollment information to Aon Hewitt. Aon Hewitt will:

  • send letters and email to participants requesting documentation proving dependent eligibility,
  • set due dates for document submission,
  • answer questions about the audit,
  • provide a secure audit website,
  • receive and reviews audit documents, and
  • destroy all documents at a secure facility after the audit is complete.

If the dependent is found to be eligible, his or her coverage will continue uninterrupted by the audit.

If the dependent is found to be ineligible, ERS will remove him or her from all GBP coverage. The participant will receive a letter letting them know if the dependent fails the audit. An ineligible or unverified dependent will not be eligible for COBRA.

Participants with audit questions should contact Aon Hewitt directly at (800) 987-6605 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.

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