
New workers’ compensation health care network takes effect

The State Office of Risk Management (SORM) recently announced a new partnership with IMO Med-Select Network.

On September 1, UHD transitioned from the CompKey+ network to IMO Med-Select Network to assist employees in the selection of network providers while obtaining prompt and appropriate workers’ compensation medical treatment.

With a return-to-work focus, IMO Med-Select Network is a certified Texas Workers’ Compensation Health Care Network (HCN) that has credentialed and contracted with varied health care professionals. The network’s medical professionals are familiar with workers’ compensation and will provide the care and service necessary to facilitate quick recovery and return-to-work.

Except for emergency care, employees who live within the IMO network coverage area will be required to obtain medical care from a network provider in order to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

All work-related injuries that meet the service area requirements will go through IMO Med-Select Network. Existing claims, those prior to September 1, 2014, within the IMO Med-Select Network service area will be automatically transferred.

Based on the employee’s county of residence, an employee is considered “in-network” or “out-of-network.” If an employee does not live in a network county, but wishes to participate in the network, he or she must complete an out-of-network participation form provided by his or her adjuster.

Network notification packets, which include an ID card and the Network Acknowledgement Form, are available in English and Spanish. The packets can also be found on the UHD ESO Benefits website or at

For more information go to


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