
FY2022 Staff Performance Goals Assessment

The University of Houston-Downtown’s annual evaluation process assesses employees on their individual, position-specific competencies. A portion of the performance evaluation will assess how well employees met their assigned goals. To stay on target with accomplishing goals, please review and update your goal statuses. Goals are located on your My TalentSpace home page under “Goals.” They can be updated to one of the following statuses: complete, in progress, canceled, or re-assigned. If needed, My TalentSpace allows you to add a comment in the goal section. In addition, any professional development you complete can be added to your Annual Performance Evaluation. With the current performance evaluation cycle quickly approaching, we encourage you to review your assigned goals and ensure that they have been addressed. UHD and ESO value you and encourage your professional growth, please let us know how we can be of assistance to you during this process.

Questions and concerns can be directed to ESO Talent Management team at

Categories: News

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