
Work/Life Tips for the New Year

Your EAP Employee Newsletter has tips to enhance your work and life for the New Year.

The Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Spending time outdoors can and does bring about a wide range of positive emotions—such as calmness and serenity—and it can improve your focus, attention, and memory. Whether simply taking a walk in the countryside or practicing shinrin-yoku (also known as “forest bathing”), everyone could probably benefit from spending time in nature.

New Year, New You! Planning a Successful Year with Effective Goal Setting

Science has shown that goal setting is the most effective performance-enhancing strategy available.  It helps in the discovery of new strategies and techniques.  Goals direct attention and energy on the most important thing. Setting goals helps sustain effort and motivation by focusing on short-term objectives.  Goals provide a measure to evaluate progress and success.

How To Be Happy: Tips for Cultivating Contentment

Behavioral scientists have done a lot of research into what makes people happy and what doesn’t. It turns out that most people are quite bad at predicting what will make them happy.  Wealth and possessions, for example, have far less impact on happiness than is commonly believed. For deeper, longer-term happiness, scientists have found that other things are far more important. These include some habits for living that can be learned and practiced. Most cost nothing and are available to virtually everyone.

Read more about these topics in your EAP Employee Enhancement Newsletter for January 2023.

Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free service to UHD benefits-eligible employees and their dependents and household members.  Services provided by the EAP are confidential.  For EAP contact information, visit Employee Assistance Program on UHD-ESO’s website.

Categories: Work/Life

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